Post Op Instructions from Dr. Kwong
After Tooth Extraction
After Teeth Whitening
Denture Care
Implant Post Op Care
Post Op Instructions After Fillings
Tooth Sensitivity. Your tooth may be sensitive if the filling was quite deep, and you may need to give it time to heal on its own. If the tooth continues to hurt after a few days, a root canal may be required. After your appointment it is normal to experience temperature and pressure sensitivity.
If a filling is too high it may cause pain upon taking a bite. You may need a filling adjustment so please contact our dental clinic to book an appointment.
Once in a while a tooth may fracture when getting a filling but this can be corrected with a new filling or crown
Post Op Crowns and Bridges
Gum Surgery
Post Sedation Care
- do not take any other medications after your appointment
- do not drink alcohol or coffee
- do not smoke
- do not breastfeed
- do not drive a car or operate machinery
- do not do any strenuous activities like exercising or heavy lifting