Post Operative Instruction | The Urban Dentist

Post Op Instructions from Dr. Kwong

After Tooth Extraction

Bleeding and swelling. After getting teeth removed you may experience some swelling and bleeding; this is normal but excessive bleeding, or bleeding that won’t stop is reason for concern. Please call the dental clinic if your condition gets worse.
Pain. Some pain after removing a tooth is normal but if the pain gets worse or becomes unbearable please call the Richmond Urban Dentist clinic at (604) 278-1907 for a re-examination.
What not to do. Please DO NOT smoke, drink alcohol, drink hot liquids or drink through a straw for 24 hours. Alcohol and smoking may cause an infection in your mouth while it’s trying to heal. Hot liquids and drinking through a straw may disrupt the healing process or loosen stitches.The morning after your tooth removal please gently rinse your mouth with warm salt water. You can make a salt water mouth wash by mixing ¼ teaspoon of salt with 1 cup of lukewarm water. Please repeat the mouth rinse every 4 hours for 2 days.
If you were prescribed pain medication, please take it as instructed by your pharmacist. A healthy patient should heal without any complications within 2 – 5 days.

After Teeth Whitening

After teeth whitening treatments you may experience sensitivity to hot and cold when biting. This will only last a couple days and will go away. Gum irritation is also common because the gums react to the bleaching gel – this also goes away and less bleaching gel may be required for the treatment. If bleaching trays are worn too long your jaws may get sore. This discomfort will go away once the trays are removed.

Denture Care

When you have dentures, daily brushing with a large brush is key to ensure good denture condition. If your denture starts to break down, try to repair it as soon as possible. Do not wear your dentures at night as your gums need a chance to air out over night. If you wear your dentures at night your gums will swell and become inflamed. If you don’t wear your dentures for a long period of time, your gums will actually change shape and the dentures won’t fit as well. Your tongue may also get larger if dentures aren’t worn for a long time. Please contact our Richmond BC Dental Clinic if you need denture adjustments or any other concerns.

Implant Post Op Care

Dental Implants need regular cleaning at home and twice a year maintenance at the dentist clinic. Implants, if taken care of properly, can last indefinitely.

Post Op Instructions After Fillings

After getting fillings your lips and tongue may feel numb for a few hours after your appointment due to the dental freezing. Please avoid hot beverages and chewing until after the numbness has subsided. You may eat food as soon as the anesthetic wears off.

Tooth Sensitivity. Your tooth may be sensitive if the filling was quite deep, and you may need to give it time to heal on its own. If the tooth continues to hurt after a few days, a root canal may be required. After your appointment it is normal to experience temperature and pressure sensitivity.

If a filling is too high it may cause pain upon taking a bite. You may need a filling adjustment so please contact our dental clinic to book an appointment.

Once in a while a tooth may fracture when getting a filling but this can be corrected with a new filling or crown

Post Op Crowns and Bridges

If crowns or bridges are taken care of properly they can last indefinitely; therefore it’s important to brush and floss daily to ensure optimal condition.

Gum Surgery

If you’ve had gum surgery it is important to clean your mouth with an ultra soft brush regularly.

Post Sedation Care

If you’ve been sedated at the dentist you will need to be assisted afterwards. Plan for someone to drive or walk you home as the effects of sedation can last up to 3 hours after the procedure. The best thing to do after your dentist treatment is to go home and rest. Below is a list of what NOT to do after you’ve been sedated:

  • do not take any other medications after your appointment
  • do not drink alcohol or coffee
  • do not smoke
  • do not breastfeed
  • do not drive a car or operate machinery
  • do not do any strenuous activities like exercising or heavy lifting